
Placement: Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University
Dissertation: Heavy Truck Gap Acceptance Behavior at Congested Single Lane Roundabouts: Challenges and Solutions
Graduate Degrees: PhD '24, MSCE '21 Oregon State University
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE '19 Oregon State University
Dr. Logan Scott-Deeter
Placement: Assistant Professor, California State University, Sacramento, CA
Graduate Degrees: PhD '24, MSCE '23 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Towards Developing Pedestrian Safety, Efficiency, and Intuition at Signalized Intersections
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’17 with Honors Oregon State University
Honors Thesis: Visual Attention to Red Signal Countdown Timers Among Oregon Drivers
Dr. Amy Wyman
Placement: Consultant at Forensic Human Factors, Columbus, OH
Graduate Degrees: PhD '24, MSCE ’20 Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Dissertation: Design Options to Reduce Turning Motor Vehicle – Bicycle Conflicts at Controlled Intersections
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’19 Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Helena (Lena) Breuer
Placement: PhD Student, Iowa State University
Graduate Degree: MSCE '24 Oregon State University
Thesis: Evaluation of Bicycle Signal Countdown Timers Pilot Implementation
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’22 Kansas State University
Sarah Carr
Placement: TBD
Graduate Degree: MSCE '24 Oregon State University
Thesis: Validation of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) in Portland, OR
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE '22 Oregon State University
Shoroq Alabdali
Placement: Transportation Engineer, LADOT, Los Angeles, CA
Graduate Degree: MSCE '23 Oregon State University
Thesis: Pedestrian Safety During Mid-Block Roadway Crossings Under Nighttime Conditions: A Driving Simulator Study
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’21 California Polytechnic State University
Kezia Suwandhaputra
Placement: Transportation Engineer, HDR, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE '22 Oregon State University
Thesis: Preliminary Assessment of Driver Parking Decisions from a Heavy Vehicle Driving Simulator to Inform Curb Management Decisions
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’18 College of Technology and Engineering, LUT in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, China
Yujun Liu
Placement: Civil Engineer, Akana, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE '22 Oregon State University
Thesis: Impact of Bicycle Rolling Stop Laws on Safety-Relevant Behaviors in the Pacific Northwest
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’00 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jasmin Woodside, P.E.
Placement: Transportation Engineer, DKS Associates, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE '22 Oregon State University
Thesis: Evaluation of the Potential for Setback Crosswalks to Mitigate Vehicle-Pedestrian Conflicts at Intersections
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’20 Oregon State University
Eileen Chai
Placement: Transportation Analyst, Kittelson and Associates, Inc., Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE '22 Oregon State University
Thesis: Evaluation of the Reliability and Effectiveness of a Pedestrian Call Extension and Cancellation System
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’20 Gonzaga University
McKenna Milacek
Placement: Transportation Human Factors Engineer, Leidos at Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA
Graduate Degree: PhD ’21 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Use of Flashing Lights in Traffic Safety of Vulnerable Road Users
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’15 Kansas State University
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’12 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dr. Ananna Ahmed
Position: Honors College Student & Undergraduate Research Assistant
Honors Thesis: Consideration of Visual Attention While Driving Near a Dynamic Roadway Distraction
Alden Sova
Placement: Transportation Engineer, DKS Associates, Salem, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE '20 Oregon State University
Thesis: Evaluation of Passive Pedestrian Detection with a Framework for Future Applications
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE '18 Oregon State University
Travis Larson
Placement: Transportation Engineer, Fehr & Peers, Tacoma, WA
Graduate Degree: MSCE '20 Oregon State University
Thesis: Integrating Driving Simulator Experiment Data with Multi-agent Connected Automated Vehicle Simulation (MA-CAVS) Platform to Quantify Improved Capacity
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE '18 with Honors Oregon State University
Honors Thesis: An Evaluation of Door Zone Collisions Between Bicycles and Vehicles
Cadell Chand
Placement: City Traffic Engineer, Coral Gables, FL
Graduate Degrees: PhD ’20 Oregon State University; MSCE ’11 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dissertation: Evaluation of Cycling Behavior: Factors that Influence Cyclists' Comprehension, Comfort, and Stress
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’10 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dr. Douglas Cobb, P.E.
Placement: Post-Doc, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Graduate Degrees: PhD ’20, MEng ’20 Oregon State University; MSCE ’12 University of Gaziantep
Dissertation: Evaluation of Driver Behavior during Right Turn Maneuvers at Signalized Intersections: Mitigation of Driver-Pedestrian Conflicts with a Right Turn Flashing Yellow Arrow
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’06 University of Mustansiriyah
Dr. Hisham Jashami
Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Anbar, Iraq
Graduate Degree: PhD ’19 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Influence of Following Vehicle Classification and Spacing on Dilemma Zone Driver Behavior
Graduate Degree: MSCE '01 University of Technology
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE '96 Anbar University
Dr. Hameed Aswad Mohammed
Placement: Community Bicycle Mechanic, Pedal Factory, Kannapolis, NC
Graduate Degree: PhD ’19 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Sound and Vibration Analysis of Alternative Rumble Strips
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’15 North Carolina State University
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’13 North Carolina State University
Dr. Dylan Horne
Placement: Project Manager, Ironside Engineering and Development, Show Low, AZ
Graduate Degrees: PhD ’19, MSCE ’17 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Driver Distraction from Unmanned Aerial Systems: Evidence, Policy, and Mitigation
Thesis: A Review of Current State Department of Transportation Practice for Promoting and Documenting the Safety of Field Employees
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’15 Virginia Tech
Dr. Zachary Barlow
Placement: Eindhoven University of Technology, Endhoven, Netherlands
Research Associate (Post-Doc):  04/2017 - 04/2019, Oregon State University
Graduate Degrees:  PhD ’17, MSIE ’13 Ben-Gurion University
Undergraduate Degree:  BSIE ’10 Ben-Gurion University
Dr. Hagai Tapiro
Placement: Transportation EngineerDKS Associates, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’18 Oregon State University
Thesis: Influence of Bicyclist Presence on Driver Performance during Autonomous Vehicle Take-Over Requests
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’16 Oregon State University
Kayla Fleskes
Placement: Transportation Engineer, HDR, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’18 Oregon State University
Thesis: Innovative Applications of Real-World Vehicle Trajectories Collected with a Radar Vehicle Detection System
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’16 Washington State University
Ellie Simpson
Placement:  Assistant Professor, California State University, Sacramento, CA
Graduate Degree:  PhD ’17 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Design and Operational Considerations for Bicycle Lanes in Proximity to Commercial Vehicle Loading Zones
Graduate Degree:  MSCE ’12 Sharif University of Technology
Undergraduate Degree:  BSCE ’10 Amirkabir University and Technology
Dr. Masoud Ghodrat Abadi
Placement: Transportation Engineer, DKS Associates, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’17 Oregon State University
Thesis: Evaluation of Desktop Learning Modules in Civil Engineering Classrooms to Promote Inductive and Interactive Learning
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’15 Oregon State University
Kamilah Buker
Placement: Engineer Assistant, Sandow Engineering, Eugene, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’15 Oregon State University
Thesis: Consideration of User Behavior in the Design of Red Light Extension Systems
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’13 Oregon State University
Sarah McCrea
Placement: Transportation Engineer, Stantec, Mechanicsburg, PA
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’15 Oregon State University
Thesis: Design Alternatives to Mitigate Right Hook Crashes
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’13 Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Jennifer Warner
Placement: Engineer 1, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’15 Oregon State University
Thesis: Implications of Distraction on Pedestrian Behavior
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’13 Oregon State University
Julia Kautz
Placement: MEng Student, Oregon State University
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’15 with Honors Oregon State University
Honors Thesis: Influence of Texting on Driver Glance Patterns and Lane Position on Horizontal Curves
Makenzie Ellett
Placement: Lab Manager/Senior Researcher, Leidos at Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA
Graduate Degree: PhD ’14 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Right-Hook Crash Causality at Signalized Intersections
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’11 Oregon State University
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’05 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dr. Mafruhatul (Medha) Jannat
Placement: Transportation Engineer, Traffic Technology Services, Inc., Beaverton, OR
Graduate Degree: PhD ’14 Oregon State University
Dissertation: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Traffic Signal Countdown Timers in Oregon
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’11 University of Idaho
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’05 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dr. Mohammad (Robi) Islam
Placement: Transportation Engineer, Traffic Technology Solutions, Beaverton, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’14 Oregon State University
Thesis: Evaluation of Alternative Information Signs in Oregon
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’12 Oregon State University
Justin Neill
Placement: MS Student, Oregon State University
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’14 with Honors Oregon State University
Honors Thesis: Visual Search Patterns and Behavior of Left Turning Bicyclists at Roadway Intersections: A
Field Study
Patrick Burns
Placement: Transportation Engineer, Kittleson & Associates, Inc., Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’13 Oregon State University
Thesis: Implications of Distracted Driving on Driver Behavior in the Standing Queue of Duel Left Turn Lanes: An Empirical Study
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’08 Oregon State University
Patrick Marnell
Placement: Transportation Engineering, DKS Associates, Portland, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’13 Oregon State University
Thesis: Driving Simulation: A Mechanism for Understanding Driver Response to Mobile Barriers in Work Zones
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’11 Oregon State University
Joshua Swake
Placement: Transportation Engineering, DKS Associates, Salem, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’12 Oregon State University
Thesis: Pedestrian Safety at Signalized Intersections Operating the Flashing Yellow Arrow
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’10 Oregon State University
Halston Tuss
Placement: Transportation Engineer, DKS Associates, Salem, OR
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’12 Oregon State University
Thesis: Fuzzy Logic for Improved Dilemma Zone Identification: A Simulator Study
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’10 Oregon State University
Derek Moore
Placement: PhD student, University of Maryland
Graduate Degree: MSCE ’11 Oregon State University
Thesis: An Evaluation of Gap Acceptance Behaviour at Unsignalized Intersections
Undergraduate Degree: BSCE ’09 Sharif University of Technology
Sahar Nabaee
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Evaluation of Bicycle Signal Countdown Timers
Benjamin Fryback
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: An investigation of Cyclist Galvanic Skin Response in Commercial Vehicle Loading Zones
Ivan Sinkus
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Evaluation of Novel Bicycle Detection Systems in Portland, Oregon
Charlotte Mondress
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Detector Health Monitoring
Brandy Quach
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Projects: ODOT Blue Light Bicycle Detection Feedback System
Megan Lee
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Evaluating Driving Distraction
Cole Fitzpatrick
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Designing Dynamic Objects in Driving Simulator
Isaac Talley
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Driving Simulator Calibration Drive
Katie Mannion
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Driving Simulator Calibration Drive
Amber Meeks
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: Traffic Signal Operations
Brennan Burbank
Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Project: NSF Eye Mind Divide and ODOT PPRT
Xiaodan Zhang